When she was a high school student, Brittany Kuecker participated in the Oral Interpretation Program, through which she competed in numerous speech events nationwide. Ms. Kuecker received a letter in all four years of her participation in the program, and she remains versed in the art of public speaking.

1. Rehearsing one's speech, including the memorization of complicated sections and the timing of pauses, is the key to a polished recitation while on stage.
2. As the adage proclaims, “Dress for success.” A professional appearance can reduce distracting apprehension about one's clothing.
3. Nervousness is natural, and the audience will expect a speaker to be nervous; remembering that fear is normal can help a speaker get past anxiety.

Presentations occur in all facets of life, from the workforce to special events, but the act of public speaking need not be a source of stress when one applies the above techniques.

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